Thursday, October 25, 2007


Wow! where do I start? I have so much to say about you there that I am engulfed. I know some of you I have talked to in the past told me that I am always taking up for the women or I think that I am some type of women advocate. Moreover, I am not saying that I think I am better than you. Maybe I am. Truthfully, it is what it is because you make it just that. And ladies, I am not posting this to keep you from dating Haitian men either.
A typical Haitian male is a cheater, a pretender, insincere. Above all, he is a Kok-kalite. Please don't ask me to translate. I have spoken to many guys who think that it is okay for them to bamboozle their women, most men feel that way. What makes you think you can be out there doing your thing, but the women cannot. If they would do the reciprocity, the Haitian society would brand them as a **itch. The young Haitian male thinks that a real macho hombre= macho man is one who is
doing many women simultaneously (discovering new countries), as the guys call it. Hey ya'll, I am seeing some pattern here in a lot of black men. The majority of Haitian men are ill informed when it comes to sexuality and love making, but yet, they think they know it all. The worse of it all is that some of ya'll women tolerate them. How can you and Why is that? Are the Haitian men the way they are because they were raised like so. Did their parents raised them like so because they cannot get pregnant, that is the perceived resonance, I think. When will you change? You are very arrogant and you listen to no one, not even yourself. To be continued...

Emael O. W. "aka" Vodou Child


Anonymous said...

LOL interesting, I think it is because of culture differences. What is not ok in some places is ok in other places. for example, growing up in Port-au-Prince, Haiti most kids were told or have seen that it was ok to have more than one women. It is not so much about how many women you have it is more about how you view you self in this life. Even in the bible back then people use to have more than one women as wifes. The assumption of thinking that is a Haitian thing is wrong.

Vodou Child said...

Are you saying that having more than one woman is ok?
I am not saying this is a Haitian male thing, but rather I am focusing on the Haitian male instead.

Emael "aka" Vodou Child

Anonymous said...

I think you need to take "Haitian" out of the context because this style of life can apply to women and man of many different cultures. This way of life I believe is a vicious cycle passed through generations. It goes back to the fact that people act in ways that they have been taught or learned. On both the male and female end, I also believe that people deal with self-worth and self-confidence issues because of there upbringing. As far as people who stay in situations like this, they feel like they can't get out and they don't have the right support around them to do what's right. It sometimes is easier to stay in this type of situation even though it's not the right thing to do.

Vodou Child said...

Even more vicious among Haitians. Anything that is taught or learned can be undone; however, it is up to the individual to do something to change.