Friday, February 20, 2009


Now that you have signed the stimulus bill into law, how quick will the money be disbursed to stimulate the economy? If you have not thought about this one, please consider this. The fastest way, I presume, to stimulate our economy is to use that money as reparation monetary to Blacks. You see Sir, by doing so, the economy is guaranteed to start recovering within days. Hence, the Blacks will worship you as their savior and so will the Whites (elites) because when the Blacks spend that will go straight to the Whites (elites).
Please hurry so that Circuit City can reopen its closed stores, GM and Chrysler will not have to file bankruptcy.

Emael "aka" Vodou Child


The justification of racial profiling, herding individuals into concentration camps or stopping them because of skin color; conflict with their government; or quarrel with radical religious groups, is merely the solution to finding the wanted. As proven by the facts, the wanted has yet to be found among those targeted by racial or ethnic association. The post 9/11 racial—ethnic profiling in our country isn't nouveau; it was exercised toward the Chinese, Japs and on a continuous stratum toward Blacks. It is only new to the ethnic groups that it is directed toward. Racial profiling has been embedded in our criminal justice system since its creation. However, the line has to be drawn somewhere. I understand that our federal and local governments need to be vigilant, but the vigilantism does not justify the taking of individuals in for questioning, beating, holding in jail for days without given raison d'ĂȘtre. Racial profiling will not decease. However, violators should be let know that they will not get away if and when the line is crossed. What is the difference between a law enforcement officer who abuses his power base on racial profiling and those committing the terrorist attack of 9/11? None because both groups are allotting terror. Let's not forget our past mistakes, as a nation, and allow history to teach us how to be a better nation.

Emael "aka" Vodou Child