Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"If you are interested in avoiding WORLD WAR III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing (Iran) from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon".
George Bush should check himself into a mental hospital for making such reference to WORLD WAR III. There is no way that a person in its right mind would refer to the context of WORLD WAR III. That shows that this administration is willing to use whatever excuses or threat to accomplish their goal, taking out Ahmadinejad. But the dreadful thing is that the media did not even care to talk about this further or even care to call him (George B.) forward to decipher on the context. We all know the upshots of the two WORLD WARS. The U.S. government thinks they can play trick-or-treats again to start something bigger than the invasion of Iraq. The only reason We took out Saddam is because he had no friends. The U.S. government is supporting terrorism in the Middle East and only compressing those who opposes its views.

While the US government calls the PKK terrorists, guerrilla commanders say PJAK has had "direct or indirect discussions" with U.S. officials. They would not divulge any details of the discussions or the level of the officials involved, but they noted that the group's leader, Rahman Haj-Ahmadi, visited Washington last summer.

Biryar Gabar, one of 11 members of the group's leadership, said there had been "normal dialogue" with U.S. officials, declining specifics. One of his bodyguards said officials of the group met with Americans in Kirkuk last year. The PKK also received favors from both the U.S. and Turkey.

If our president can stand in front of cameras to shout about WORLD WAR III, he and the other 3 stooges (Dick, Rice, and Bob) must already have compiled or in the process of compiling the provisions to start such war. The U.S. government have not any respects for any world organizations. It does whatever it wants to do and whenever it wants to do it. This time the president is saying: I'll go after Iran even if it starts WORLD WAR III.


Emael "aka" Vodou Child

Monday, October 29, 2007


A friend phoned me the other day from Tennessee, during the course of our verbal intercourse, we gossiped about Haitian parents. She was telling me about her 19 year old cousin who's entrapped, cornered, locked in, imprisoned at home and cannot go elsewhere for college. I have friends who went to college, only to major in what their parents wanted them to. I've heard stories of Haitian parents fingering their daughters to find out if they're still a VIRGIN. Believe it or not, the majority of these so called parents are CHRISTIANS and they are utilizing their religious beliefs to dictate these young women's lives. I call them "HOUSEHOLD DICTATORS." A parent's job is to guide his/her child/children through life and assist them in making some decisions. So many beautiful young Haitian women are damaged and victimized by household dictatorship. At 19, a young woman is compelled to falsify her whereabouts hence she can find ways to her boyfriend's arms. Many ends up with unwanted pregnancies (protect yourselves) and they are left with two choices: Aboard the baby or run away with the boyfriend. Those who stays and try their best dealing with the abuses, physical and/or verbal, said they stayed because they could not find the fortitude to run away. They go through HELL with their mothers/fathers and now need healing.


Emael "aka" Vodou Child


While Haitians in the diaspora have been the main support for their love ones in Haiti, they have also contributed in crippling the country. I am not here to tell you not to take care or help your family; however, we have created a state of welfare in the homeland. As you can see, I use the pronoun "we" because I am not blameless. I have been helping my brothers and sisters back home since I emigrated and my dear mother left us a year after. It has been my job and a monthly bill, or whenever I get the call, to send money. They were very young at the time my dear mother passed away and their so called "dad" left them for another woman. Now that they are older, I refuse to give. Instead, I have defied them. I want them to scan and peruse the country and come up with an idea for something they'd like and capable of doing; I'll provide them with the money to get it started. At first, I was the one trying to come up with an idea, then I told myself: No, you cannot do that; they have to come up with the idea. I know people who are working two jobs just so they can take care of families back home. They pay for rent, food, school, leisure, maintenance of the car, and even the maids and the cell phones. How is this country going to evolve if we maintain it as a state of welfare? Haitians have become apathetic and it will get worse if we don't challenge them to facilitate the situation for themselves. I am serious people. Send your families no more money and challenge them to come with something to help themselves. Let them work their brains.

ATTN: The only idea my brothers and sisters came up with: Send us a pick up truck (machine). I laughed at that one. None of them knows how to drive, yet, every Haitian wants a pick up truck (machine). Vroom! beep beep! Min tet mato yo.

Emael "aka" Vodou Child

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Wow! where do I start? I have so much to say about you there that I am engulfed. I know some of you I have talked to in the past told me that I am always taking up for the women or I think that I am some type of women advocate. Moreover, I am not saying that I think I am better than you. Maybe I am. Truthfully, it is what it is because you make it just that. And ladies, I am not posting this to keep you from dating Haitian men either.
A typical Haitian male is a cheater, a pretender, insincere. Above all, he is a Kok-kalite. Please don't ask me to translate. I have spoken to many guys who think that it is okay for them to bamboozle their women, most men feel that way. What makes you think you can be out there doing your thing, but the women cannot. If they would do the reciprocity, the Haitian society would brand them as a **itch. The young Haitian male thinks that a real macho hombre= macho man is one who is
doing many women simultaneously (discovering new countries), as the guys call it. Hey ya'll, I am seeing some pattern here in a lot of black men. The majority of Haitian men are ill informed when it comes to sexuality and love making, but yet, they think they know it all. The worse of it all is that some of ya'll women tolerate them. How can you and Why is that? Are the Haitian men the way they are because they were raised like so. Did their parents raised them like so because they cannot get pregnant, that is the perceived resonance, I think. When will you change? You are very arrogant and you listen to no one, not even yourself. To be continued...

Emael O. W. "aka" Vodou Child

TWO SIDES TO THE STORY: Which Side Are You On?

NPR has always been my favorite radio station, no matter where I find myself. However, one morning I was listening to NPR on my way to school, as I frequently do, when suddenly I heard the mentioning of Christopher Columbus was a "great explorer." Well, let me tell you, I know damn well this was not the truth. Shame on NPR. Christopher Columbus was nothing more than an egocentric man who was out to prove to his people that he was somebody. He was willing to do anything to prove himself. Here are the two sides to the story-

This is what... what the European-Americans have to say:
Under the threat of mutiny, Columbus vowed to his crew that if land was not spotted within a few days, he would turn around. Finally, land was spotted and Columbus discovered the New World. Columbus and his crew landed in the Bahamas. Columbus assumed he was in India, and called the natives “Indians.” Continuing onward, Columbus discovered Cuba and Haiti. He soon returned back to Spain and was met with a hero’s welcome.
Christopher Columbus’ accidental discovery of the New World in October 1492 while in search for a new and shorter trade route to Asia had shock waves across Europe. The Spanish Crown in addition to seeing this as an opportunity to expand their holdings and increase their wealth and influence also saw this as an opportunity to spread the Catholic faith. (Roman Catholic Diocese of St Petersburg, FL)

And the Indigenous Say:
Christopher Columbus' reputation has not survived the scrutiny of history, and today we know that he was no more the discoverer of America than Pocahontas was the discoverer of Great Britain. Native Americans had built great civilizations with many millions of people long before Columbus wandered lost into the Caribbean. This myth of the pawned jewels obscures the true and more sinister story of how Columbus financed his trip. The Spanish monarch invested in his excursion, but only on the condition that Columbus would repay this investment with profit by bringing back gold, spices, and other tribute from Asia. This pressing need to repay his debt underlies the frantic tone of Columbus' diaries as he raced from one Caribbean island to the next, stealing anything of value. ( Written by Jack Weatherford"Author of 'Indian Givers'")

So please somebody tell me why school children are being lied to. Your so called hero and great explorer was a thief and a murder. He should go down in history as such. Tell the children the truth and nothing but the truth. Furthermore, instead of labeling what happened in Armenia as a genocide, Why does not congress labeled what happened to the indigenous people of Mexico, Haiti, Bahamas, Jamaica, Cuba, and all the other countries in the American continent as a genocide? Many people died.

Emael O. W. "aka" Vodou Child

check out this video: